Get Healthy Heart with Reduced cholesterol
Released on = December 31, 2005, 11:53 am
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Industry = Food & Beverage
Press Release Summary = Big secretet to lower cholesterol naturally. No medicine no tiring exercises. Proven Tips.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 12/31/2005
Advertising Can Help You Lower Your Cholesterol. It sounds crazy, but advertising can help you lower your cholesterol because advertising is likely already a big part of your higher cholesterol. Think about it: why do you eat the way you do? At least part of the reason has to do with learned behavior. You learned to like some foods as a child, but you have also learned to associate certain foods with certain ideas and ideals - and likely this has been the doing of advertisers. Advertisers spend millions and even billions of dollars getting you to eat their foods - even when those foods are processed and contribute directly to higher cholesterol. When you picture a hamburger, you likely picture the hamburger you see in advertisements - a large, juicy burger with all the toppings. When you think of a salad, you may nit get the same strong images in your head, simply because salads and vegetables are advertised a lot less. Think of the last ten food advertisements you have seen. Odds are, they were for less-than-healthy processed foods. Traditionally, less than healthy foods have needed advertising, because they were not needed. Today, though, there is a huge market for convenience and "junk" foods. When you visit your local grocery store, compare the amount of shelf space given to convenience foods, junk foods, sugary foods, and sodas to the amount of space given to the produce section. In too many grocery stores, the amount of space that fresh produce and grains take up is far less than the amount of space devoted to less heart-healthy foods. This is no mistake. Take a look at those high-fat and cholesterol-high foods. Odds are, they come in brightly designed packages that grab the eye. Often, they are placed at eye level. Advertisers are trying to make their products appealing. Is it any wonder that it is hard to walk by the foods you know are less than healthy for you? You can turn the power of advertising in your advantage, though, and lower your cholesterol over the next 30 days as well. Start with your own cholesterol-lowering action plan
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